1. 1
    Contact Information
  2. 2
    Register Team
  3. 3
    Register Coaches
  4. 4
    Register Referees
  5. 5
    Upload Signed Documents

Important Please Read
You will be able to complete your tournament registration electronically, At the end of the form you can upload an electronic copy of your signed eAYSO roster and signed Referee Form. If you are unable to upload your roster and referee forms, mail them along with your tournament check to our mailing address.

Fields marked * are required.

Contact Information
 * Your Email Address:
 * Confirm Your Email Address:
 *Confirm Password:
 * Your First Name:
 * Your Last Name:

AYSO Region 1031 - South Los Angeles © 2013

Youth Soccer. Ladera Heights - Baldwin Hills - View Park - Inglewood - Jefferson Park
AYSO National                 Area 1P

AYSO Region Management and Tournament software developers AztecaNet
Game scheduling, Referee Scheduler, Volunteer Scheduler and Tournament Management software.
Sports management software customized to your need.